Efficiency Maine

Yankee Thermal Imaging is a registered vendor for Efficiency Maine energy savings programs.

We provide energy audits, insulation and air sealing services for both existing and new homes. We also work with qualified mechanical system suppliers so that upgrades or replacements to equipment result in efficient energy savings.

Through Efficiency Maine, you could be eligible for up to $5,000 in rebates for energy efficient insulation and mechanical system upgrades!

Maine PACE Financing

In addition to rebates, Efficiency Maine has partnered with municipalities to provide energy improvement financing. Maine PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) loans and unsecured Energy Loads can mean the difference between being able to afford to save energy and not!

What's a Maine PACE loan?

This is a loan taken out by you, the property owner, to finance a qualified whole house energy upgrade. If you sell your home before the loan is paid off, you can either pay it off when you sell the house or it can be transferred with the property to the new owner.

What's an Energy Loan?

This is a way to finance a whole house energy upgrade over a long period of time. It can be as small as $1,000 over 10 years, or as big as $15,000 over 15 years.

Why Choose Yankee Thermal Imaging & Efficiency Maine?

  • Save money
  • Make improvements
  • Increase home resale value

There's a simple process for getting on your way to real, affordable, reduced energy costs with Efficiency Maine: Call Yankee Thermal Imaging!

We'll help you finance your next home energy efficiency upgrade. Call us today!